Convert KAPT to KSP — Room and Hilt ExamplesStep-by-Step Guide: Migrating from KAPT to KSP for Room Database and Hilt Dependency InjectionJan 3, 2024Jan 3, 2024
Equivalent Perforce Shelving Command in GitHubLet’s explore git stash usages, which is equivalent to (not 100%) perforce shelving files conceptDec 2, 2023Dec 2, 2023
Simplify ViewModelProvider.Factory() Implementation with Kotlin Lambda and Object ExpressionsLearn how to streamline the implementation of ViewModelProvider.Factory() using Kotlin Lambdas and Object Expressions with examples.Sep 16, 2023Sep 16, 2023
Integrate Firebase Realtime Database and User Authentication into your Android AppA Step-by-Step tutorial to integrate Firebase Realtime Database and User Authentication into your Android app with Kotlin and Jetpack…Aug 4, 2023Aug 4, 2023
How to Add Spotless Code Formatter to your Android Project?Steps-by-steps guide to add spotless code formatter to your Android project for both Kotlin script (KTS) and Groovy build Gradle filesJul 8, 2023Jul 8, 2023
How to Request Android Runtime Permissions using Jetpack Compose?A simple app example and proper way to request Android runtime permission workflow using Accompanist Permissions library for Jetpack…Jul 1, 2023Jul 1, 2023
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Simple Preferences & Proto DataStore Demo AppBeginner’s friendly step-by-step guide to learn how to use Preferences and Proto DataStore, Room Database is not covered.Jun 17, 2023Jun 17, 2023
Simple Firebase Sign-in UI Demo AppSimple Jetpack Compose example to demonstrate how to sign in with a Firebase Authentication pre-build UI using FirebaseUIJun 10, 2023Jun 10, 2023
How to add Google Play In-app Review Dialog?A step-by-step guide how you can let users review your app using Google Play In-app review API and test it out using Internal App SharingJun 3, 2023Jun 3, 2023